About Angina and Me

I don't have any medical training and am not qualified to give advice. These are my personal thoughts and views. By being able to share them and by being able to offer constructive criticism, when appropriate, I just might be able to help someone.

Some estimate that there are more than 2 million angina sufferers in the UK, some of whom will become suitable candidates for surgical intervention, typically stents or by passes. There are others like me who cannot have surgery and are cared for by GPs.

In my experience, GPs don't provide the care that angina patients need. And unless you've been admitted to hospital, you're unlikely to be offered care by a Cardiac Rehab team.

Those with angina are at a heightened risk of a cardiac event, are often suffering from anxiety and depression.

Yet, there are groups, like the York University based Angina Plan team, that offer a patient centred treatment plan that offer some hope. Take up of the Angina Plan seems woefully low, however.

Strangely, given the aims of the plan, lay people cannot become plan faciliators without support from hospitals or GPs, the very organisations that have been reluctant to accept the needs of angina patients.